Saturday, July 10, 2010


Have you ever tried to walk in glass slippers? Asked a dwarf do they whistle while they work? (I have and boy was she pissed.) Have you ever tried turning a pumpkin into a stagecoach or stared at a mouse to see if they could sing? (I don't know about you but the mice I've come across surely weren't singing). Imagine my shock and dismay when I asked the mirror "Mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all" and it said the exact same thing I was saying. (Needless to say mirrors don't talk) Ever kissed a frog and when you opened your eyes they were an even uglier toad than they were before the kiss?

Well I've done all of these things at the suggestion of Walt Disney. Now I can't help but feel as though I've been hoodwinked, bamboozled, and ultimately deceived by the "man". (The man being Mr. Disney) Growing up I truly believed in happily ever afters, I just knew Prince Charming would hop on his horse and come take me away. Well I recently turned 25 and was starting to feel as though there I had wasted all my time believing in something that would never truly exist. Now I am not completely foolish, I know that somethings presented in fairy tales aren't true, I know there's no way a carpet can fly and candles damn sure don't fall in love with feather dusters. I do however know that even the coldest of beasts can be turned into a loving man with the right amount of love and that Prince Charming does exist. The truth however is that, Cinderella is a fictional story, something made up and I am not her. My story will never be identical, but does that mean I have to stop believing that Prince Charming really exists? One thing I learned growing up watching fairy tales is that the moment you stop believing the magic will no longer exist.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


"Hello, may I speak to Barbara? Barbara, this is Shirley. You might not know who I am, but the reason I am calling you is because I was going through my old man's pockets this morning. And I just happened to find your name and number. So woman to woman I don't think it's being any more than fair to call you, and let you know where I'm coming from.Now Barbara, I don't know how you're gonna take this. But whether you be cool or come out of a bag on me, you see it doesn't really make any difference. But it's only fair that I let you know that the man you're in love with, He's mine, from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. The bed he sleeps in and every piece of food he eats you see I make it possible. The clothes on his back Ha ha, I buy them, the car he drives I pay the note every month. So I'm telling you these things to let you know how much I love this man and woman to woman I think you'll understand just how much I'll do to keep him." (After growing up and understanding exactly what Shirley was saying she sounded rather silly but hey I guess she made her point cause Barbara didn't say a word)

Any woman that is content being in Barbara's place in my opinion considers herself to have a very low self worth and a lack of respect for not only herself but the female species. I personally despise any woman who is happy being in that position. However there is a catch to being the "other woman". In today's society it is hard to find a man that does have a child or children. We all know what comes along with the man and his children, a baby mama! (which is a term that I hate by the way! I mean who honestly is content being a baby mama? What happened to wanting to be a wife?) Anywho, for some reason women today have this fabricated notion that because you have a baby with someone they are tied down to you for life. This is the dumbest thing a woman can force herself to believe, I just can't see how someone could be this naive and selfish. When a "baby mama" doesn't get her way with her child's father what is her vice? That's easy she uses the child to control the relationship even though there is no relationship. "I don't want my son around that bitch!" Really? Why she gotta be all that? Or they pull the okey doke and make sure they hang around the family of the "baby daddy" every time they drop the child off just to monitor what the father is doing or who he is seeing. (these are actions and signs of pure desperation) As a woman, you can't help but sympathize with the poor girl because she is doing her best, pulling all her tricks out the bag to make sure he does move on and is just as miserable as she is. On the other hand you want to beat the afterbirth out of the girl for making you miserable right along with her ass. A real woman who is confident within herself and down for her man is going to stick it out and maintain a level head, but it's only so much before it begins to wear you down and take a toll on your relationship. A real woman is never going to come between a man and his child and the baby mama most likely knows so she plays her trump card every chance she gets and uses the child to her advantage.

No woman should ever be content playing the role of the "other woman" therefore even when a woman is the only woman in the relationship. Like I said there is only so much one can take before she washes her hand of a situation, everyone deserves 100% in a relationship and if a man has a selfish ass woman as the mother of his child/children she is not going to get that 100%. You can't compete with someone's children and these women are so desperate that they will pray on that. I respect and commend any woman that is in this situation and holds her head high and handles her business. (It takes a strong ass woman not to knock the spit out of desperate ass woman who wants you to be miserable just because she is.) I refuse to play the role of Barbara, ain't no bitch gone ever Shirley Brown me!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


In this day and age everybody is attached to someone else in one way or another. Rather it be in a relationship, marriage, intimately, or share children everyone is attached. So does it truly come as a surprise that the person that you are digging tells you they have a girlfriend or fiance'? Why do you find yourself getting upset and in your feelings when he tells you that he still has a good functional relationship with his child's mother? I mean honestly did you think you were the only woman feeling him out here? (I'd like to believe no woman is that naive but I know better) My question is this: When realizing the man you are digging has someone else he is dealing with, rather casual or serious do you continue pursuing him?
Often times we as women allow our emotions to drive out better judgement and plain old know better. ("Girl why you messing with that married man? I know you know better! I didn't raise you like that! *in my mama voice*) I am well aware that men are quite the deceitful species and will hide the moon and stars from you if they could. However all things are revealed in time, and most of the time it doesn't take long for someone's hand to be played. In the beginning he may take you to the movies or out to eat and talk to you for hours on end and the sex just may be life changing. All that is fine, until the all day calls and texts become scarce, the sex is very hard to come by (No pun intended) women being the emotionally unstable creatures that we are immediately go into panic mode and start wondering what is going on and what did they do wrong. Start blowing the man's phone up with all kinds of calls and texts asking question after question. Now he may have lost interest, or he may busy but more times than not there is someone else. Some men are man enough to tell you this while others will either continue avoiding you. Now you also have your no goods, the ones that will continue a whole relationship with you AND his chick at home.
Of course there are some women who are content being a side piece, this is their personal choice who are we to judge. But you have to wonder what is it that makes a woman content with being with another woman's man? How is that you know that he goes home to someone else every night, is emotional attached to another woman yet you are content with the peanuts he throws you by seeing you every now and then or leaves you with a wet twat here and there? At some point every woman goes through a time where she is deceived and cheated on by someone that she truly loves. So why in the HELL would you want to be the other woman and the reason that another woman endures that pain? Are you truly content with not seeing that man on holidays? Going to duck off spots to have sex? Really is that the life you want? Some women get too comfortable and end up pregnant, as if that is going to make the situation change. There are too many men in this world for you to be sharing dick. (not to mention all the diseases people are coming up now a days.) In some cases a woman is truly oblivious to the fact that she is "the other woman", where the man is just so smooth that he covers all his tracks. So in all honesty they are just as much a victim as the significant other. But all these scandalous women out here sleeping with, having babies by another woman's man how do you sleep at night? Do you honestly believe he is going to leave her and be with you? My mother and grandmother drilled one thing into my mind as I became a woman, "A man that cheats WITH you is going to cheat ON you". So go ahead and allow these men to keep to sell you a dream, you'll wake the hell up eventually.