As Valentine's day vastly approaches people (mostly women) are preparing themselves by looking for the perfect gift for their significant other, spending hours in the malls putting together the perfect outfit and much more. For some this holiday is major, bigger than Christmas and more special than their birthday. Me personally, I don't care either way. In the past 10 years I have celebrated once (NO I am not bitter) I just can't seem to find excitement in something that I never was exposed to in a positive way. I am not knocking anyone who celebrates the day by all means enjoy. In my opinion this is a day set aside for men to kiss ass for all the fucking up they did in the 365 days between last February 14th and this one. Why does a day have to be set aside to show that you love someone? Shouldn't you make that known EVERYDAY? Valentine's Day is a day that stores, greeting card companies and candy manufacturers can capitalize. Think about how much money people spend on buying that perfect gift and searching for the right card. Sure greeting cards are clever but can you really sum up the way you feel about the person you have been with for 10 years in 10 lines? How does some random card writer know how you feel? (Again, I am NOT knocking the holiday or those who celebrate it). All I'm saying is that if you truly love someone, your love should be celebrated daily, you should let them know they are appreciated on a regular. Sure the ring for Jared's is a nice surprise and the candlelight dinner for two on the rooftop is a nice touch but don't you think on Valentine's Day that's expected? Be spontaneous in love and celebrate your relationship on February 28th. I'm just sayin', but then again I am single so who am I to talk?