I’ll never forget the first time I met Silas, he was doing tattoos in Black Pearl, the only reason I noticed this lively young man was because all of his creative tattoos and his amazing voice as he sang while working. That was over 5 years ago and I have watched this triple threat of a man evolve into something great. I know who Silas the Stylist is but I think it’s time for the entire Whirl to see beyond him being Roland’s nephew and take a look into the life of this anything but ordinary young man.
Silas Brown aka Silas the Stylist has become quite a known name in St. Louis over the past year. I remember seeing him for the first time in over a year last October in the Loft. “Harlem, that was only a minor set back to prepare me for a major comeback.” I have since seen that manifest into something great.
So who is Silas the Stylist? “That’s a good question; I am style and swag in the flesh. I am anything but ordinary.” Always the confident borderline arrogant individual, you can’t help but love Silas. He without hesitation gave me the raw unedited answers that you have to appreciate. “There is more to me than what meets the eye; people tend to judge a book by its cover when they see me. I am not this weird dude with tattoos and crazy hair, I’ve got talents that have yet to be seen.” Silas was exposed to the St. Louis entertainment industry from working in his uncle’s tattoo shop, Black Pearl, everyone knows that’s the home of Young Ro (who obviously is Silas’ younger cousin) “It is important that people see me for who I am and not just as Silas from the tattoo shop. I would be discrediting myself if I said that I was a triple threat. I am an artist, a stylist, a host and much more so I guess you can say I’m something like a quadruple threat.” Knowing Silas personally I didn’t have to inquire about him being MIA from late 2009 until late 2010 but he was more than willing to talk about it. “It’s no secret that I spent a little over a year in county. That’s not something that I try to hide, the things I’ve done in the past don’t define who I am or what I’m doing NOW. Everybody makes mistakes it’s what you learn from them that matters.” When asked exactly what he was up to these days Silas smiled before answering. “I’ve got a lot of upcoming projects that I am really excited about. Some of which I can’t discuss yet, but they are sure to be major, I am also working with Tony J on the 2011 Traffic Music Awards, as well as the St. Louis Fashion and Hair Show. It’s so crazy because not too long ago I was locked up and now I’m working on the TMA’s.” “I guess you can say I’m somewhat of a "from nothing to something" even though I have always been something and somebody.
Silas has worked with many of St. Louis’ local artists including Young Ro, Huey, model Alli Nicole as well as yours truly. “I’ve worked with some of the best and I am looking forward to working with many more as well as expanding my brand outside of St. Louis.” Silas says that he enjoys styling the best of the best. “What people fail to realize is that image is everything. My motto is if you look good and market a good product then you good.” In conclusion to our ever so interesting interview I asked Silas how does he define himself. “I am an individual, there is no one else like me. I have earned my respect and I am no longer known as Roland’s nephew.” I couldn’t agree more, I have watched this young man go from young and reckless to mature and about his business. No matter how hard you try you couldn’t judge him nor knock his grind. I look forward to seeing what is in store for this ever so special young man in the months to come. I have faith that he will reach his goal of being known both locally and nationally before the start of 2012.
Silas can be found at Get Set Phase 3 located at 5405 Riverview and via Twitter.com/SilasTheStylist