"She is slowly losing consciousness," he tells the operator. "Her family put her in the shower to try to keep her awake."Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2010/08/12/2010-08-12_fantasia_out_of_hosp__lifted_up_by_fans.html#ixzz0wgbMOX4p
The attempt followed the scandal surrounding Tasia and a married man (Who's name she has tattooed on her shoulder by the way). Antwuan Cook who is an employee of T-Mobile (Red Flag) told Fanny that he was separated from his wife(Red Flag! Show me some papers!) and began a relationship with her which supposedly includes the making of a sex tape which the wife allegedly got her grimey little hands on. Paula Cook is suing Tasia saying that she knew that he was married and this was an intentional act on her behalf. This is the age old tale of a man manipulating two women for his own self reasons. He saw an opportunity with the young singer who has publicly admitted that she has a weakness for men due to growing up not being the swan but the ugly duckling. Anyone who has followed her career and seen her movie or read her book knows that she has a troubled past when it comes to her love life including the relationship with her daughter Zion's father. This is something that a lot of women can relate to which gives Fantasia that extra dose of realness. The desire to be loved and wanted is so deep that it is almost crippling and a handicap because it's easy to fall victim to the charm and pillow talk. Its even easier to believe their lies especially when you're in love. However, NO MAN and I do mean NO MAN is worth taking your life over. Fantasia is a single mother of a young girl and if she isn't careful her daughter will go through the same cycle as her mother. Leaving your child alone without a mother when she already has no father is the most selfish thing you can do. So what you got a sex tape (Who doesn't? Use it to your advantage Tasia! Look at Ray J, Kim Kardashian!) so what you got played (what woman hasn't?). Use this as a stepping stone to make you stronger! A man does not and CAN NOT validate who you are. I don't judge Tasia cause love will break you down but you're better than that!