SOOOOOO this past weekend Sunday May 30th 2010 one of the most infamous parties went down here in the LOU, TEESE brought to you by SYGU (Si-Goo). This year TEESE was held at the Pageant in the Delmar Loop. The Pageant is a concert venue, and needless to say SYGU packed it out!!! Any and everybody, all the who's who's and wanna-be's were in attendance to the summer kick off. Just like last year my shirt was made by PATCHES clothing, one of the Lou's hottest clothing companies. As always the PATCHES crew got me together. I couldn't decide on an exact design so I had them make me 2, however I only wore one. I have to say I was more than pleased with the outcome of both my shirts and plan on wearing them more than once. If you are a St Louis resident and don't have a shirt made by PATCHES and never attended a TEESE party, you are losing. Last night it was more than clear who had their shirt made where, any replication of a TEE was obviously a store brand. I am proud to say I was wearing a PATCHES original!!! (well it wasn't too original!) My tee said "YES my bag is FAKE"!!! MAKE SURE YA'LL GET AT MY PATCHES FAM WWW.PATCHESCLOTHING.BLOGSPOT.COM OR WWW.PATCHESCLOTHING.COM JUST TRYNNA STAY FRESH IN A DIRTY WORLD!